Vegan Food Ideas

The Rise of Plant-based Food Trends

The Rise of Plant-based Food Trends

The Rise of Plant-based Food Trends in Australia

History and Future of The Rise of Plant-based Food Trends

The rise of plant-based food trends has captured global attention as individuals seek healthier and more sustainable alternatives to traditional diets. In Australia, this burgeoning interest has been influenced by a combination of historical, cultural, and environmental factors, which have shaped the nation’s approach to plant-based foods. This blog aims to delve into the history and future of plant-based food trends in Australia, examining how these trends have evolved and the potential trajectory they may follow in the coming years.


A brief overview of plant-based food trends reveals a shift in the public’s perception of vegetarianism and veganism and an increased demand for plant-based food options. From niche lifestyle choices to mainstream dietary preferences, plant-based foods have gained considerable momentum, fueled by health, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability concerns.

Understanding the history and future of plant-based food trends in Australia is paramount. It offers insights into the nation’s culinary heritage, the factors driving the adoption of plant-based diets, and the potential implications for public health and the environment. By exploring the evolution of these trends and the forces shaping their future, this blog aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on a topic that is relevant to Australia’s culinary culture and has global implications.

In the following sections, we will discuss the historical context of plant-based diets in Australia, the current landscape of plant-based food trends, and the potential developments that may define the future of this burgeoning industry. By examining these aspects, we aim to offer a deeper understanding of the significance and impact of plant-based food trends in Australia and how they may continue to evolve in the years to come.

History of plant-based food trends in Australia

Aboriginal Australian cuisine and plant-based foods

Long before the arrival of Europeans, the Indigenous Australians had a rich and diverse plant-based diet. The traditional diet of Aboriginal Australians was based on seasonal and regional availability. It consisted of a wide variety of plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and tubers. These native plant-based foods provided essential nutrients and energy to sustain their hunter-gatherer lifestyles.

a. Influence of Indigenous Australians on traditional plant-based diets

Indigenous Australians played a significant role in shaping Australia’s traditional plant-based diet. Their extensive knowledge of native flora allowed them to efficiently utilise plant-based resources for food, medicine, and tools. The use of bush tucker, or native Australian plants, was central to their diet, and many of these plant-based foods continue to be consumed today. Examples of native plant-based foods include macadamia nuts, finger limes, wattleseed, and bush tomatoes.

b. Examples of native plant-based foods

Some popular native plant-based foods include the following:

Macadamia nuts: Rich in healthy fats and protein, macadamia nuts are native to Australia and were a valuable food source for Indigenous Australians.

Finger limes: These small, tangy citrus fruits were traditionally used as a flavouring agent in Aboriginal Australian cooking.

Wattleseed: Derived from the seeds of the Acacia tree, wattleseed is a nutrient-dense food that can be ground into flour and used in various dishes.

Bush tomatoes: Also known as desert raisins, bush tomatoes are small, flavorful fruits traditionally eaten raw or dried by Indigenous Australians.

Immigration and cultural influences

Australia’s plant-based food trends have also been heavily influenced by immigration and the diverse cultures that have settled in the country.

a. British colonisation and its impact on Australian diets

british colonizsation

The British colonisation of Australia in the late 18th century significantly impacted the nation’s diet. The introduction of European agricultural practices and food preferences led to a shift away from traditional Indigenous Australian plant-based diets. European settlers brought with them a preference for meat-based dishes, which became a staple of the Australian diet. However, plant-based foods remained an essential part of the Australian diet, with the British influence contributing to the popularity of vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and peas.

b. Influence of Asian and Mediterranean immigrants on plant-based food trends

Throughout the 20th century, immigration from Asian and Mediterranean countries significantly impacted Australia’s food culture. This influx of immigrants brought with them a variety of plant-based dishes and ingredients that have since become staples in the Australian diet. The influence of Asian cuisine resulted in the popularisation of dishes such as stir-fries, curries, and noodle dishes, which often feature a variety of vegetables and plant-based proteins. Similarly, the Mediterranean influence introduced Australians to pasta, pizza, and salads, further diversifying the nation’s plant-based food options.

Emergence of vegetarianism and veganism

a. Early adoption of plant-based lifestyles

Australia’s modern vegetarian and vegan movements can be traced back to the times when the first vegetarian society was established in Melbourne in 1886. This early adoption of plant-based lifestyles was primarily driven by health and religious reasons. Many early vegetarians and vegans followed the principles of the Seventh-day Adventist Church or the teachings of Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism.

b. Key events and milestones in the development of plant-based diets

Throughout the 20th century, several key events and milestones contributed to the development of plant-based diets in Australia. These include the establishment of vegetarian and vegan societies, emerging health food stores, and the growing awareness of the environmental and ethical implications of meat consumption. The publication of influential books such as Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” and Peter Singer’s “Animal Liberation” also significantly shaped public opinion about the benefits of plant-based diets and the ethical treatment of animals.

Current state of plant-based food trends

The popularity of plant-based diets in Australia

a. Growth in the number of vegetarians and vegans

In recent years, Australia has experienced a significant increase in individuals adopting vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. According to a 2019 report by Roy Morgan Research, approximately 2.5 million Australians, or 12.1% of the population, now follow a vegetarian or mostly vegetarian diet, an increase from 11.2% in 2014. The number of vegans in Australia has also grown rapidly, with a 2018 survey by Food Frontier and Colmar Brunton estimating that there are over 500,000 vegans in the country.

b. Factors contributing to the increasing popularity

Several factors have contributed to the increasing popularity of plant-based diets in Australia. These include growing awareness of the environmental, ethical, and health benefits of reducing meat consumption and increased exposure to plant-based foods through social media and celebrity endorsements. Additionally, expanding plant-based food options in supermarkets and restaurants has made it easier for individuals to adopt and maintain plant-based lifestyles.

Availability of plant-based food options

a. Expansion of plant-based products in supermarkets

The growing demand for plant-based foods in Australia has led to a significant expansion of plant-based products in supermarkets. Consumers can now find an ever-increasing range of plant-based meat alternatives, dairy-free milks, and other vegan-friendly products on store shelves. This increased availability of plant-based products has made it easier for individuals to incorporate plant-based foods into their diets, further driving the popularity of plant-based lifestyles.

b. Growth of plant-based restaurants and cafes

In addition to expanding plant-based products in supermarkets, Australia has also experienced growth in plant-based restaurants and cafes. Many major cities, such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, now boast vegetarian and vegan dining options, from casual cafes to fine-dining establishments. This increased availability of plant-based dining options has made it more convenient and enjoyable for individuals to follow plant-based diets, contributing to the growing popularity of vegetarianism and veganism in Australia.

Influence of Environmental and ethical concerns

a. Connection between plant-based diets and sustainability

One of the key factors driving the popularity of plant-based diets in Australia is the growing awareness of the environmental benefits of reduced meat consumption. Research has shown that plant-based diets have a lower carbon footprint and require fewer natural resources, such as land and water, than meat-based diets. As a result, many Australians are adopting plant-based lifestyles to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable food system.

b. Animal welfare and its impact on food choices

In addition to environmental concerns, the ethical treatment of animals has also played a significant role in the growth of plant-based diets in Australia. Increasing exposure to the realities of factory farming and the inhumane treatment of animals in the meat industry has led many Australians to question their food choices and opt for plant-based alternatives. This growing concern for animal welfare has contributed to the increasing popularity of vegetarianism and veganism in Australia.

The future of plant-based food trends in Australia

Technological innovations and their potential impact

a. Development of alternative protein sources

Technological innovations in the food industry have the potential further to drive the growth of plant-based diets in Australia. The development of alternative protein sources, such as plant-based meat substitutes and lab-grown meat, offers new and more sustainable options for consumers seeking to reduce their meat consumption. As these technologies continue to advance and become more widely available, they will likely play a significant role in shaping the future of plant-based food trends in Australia.

b. Advancements in plant-based food processing and manufacturing

In addition to the development of alternative protein sources, advancements in plant-based food processing and manufacturing techniques also have the potential to impact the future of plant-based diets in Australia. As researchers and food manufacturers continue to develop new methods for creating plant-based products that more closely resemble animal-based foods’ taste, texture, and nutritional profile, these innovations will likely make plant-based diets even more appealing to a broader range of consumers.

Government policies and initiatives

a. Promotion of plant-based diets for health and sustainability

As the link between plant-based diets and improved health and environmental outcomes becomes more widely recognised, there is potential for government policies and initiatives further to drive the growth of plant-based food trends in Australia. This could include policies promoting plant-based diets for health and sustainability, such as implementing meat-free days in schools and government institutions or incentivising farmers to shift towards more sustainable, plant-based agricultural practices.

b. Investment in plant-based food research and development

Additionally, government investment in plant-based food research and development could help to further advance the plant-based food industry in Australia. This could include funding for research into alternative protein sources and support for developing new plant-based food processing and manufacturing techniques. By investing in the growth of the plant-based food industry, the government can help to create new job opportunities and contribute to a more sustainable and healthy food system.

Changing consumer preferences

a. Predicted growth in plant-based diets

As awareness of the environmental, ethical, and health benefits of plant-based diets continues to grow, the popularity of vegetarianism and veganism in Australia will likely continue to rise. According to a 2018 report by market research firm Euromonitor International, Australia is predicted to be the third-fastest-growing vegan market globally between 2015 and 2020. This suggests that the trend towards plant-based diets will continue well into the future.

b. The role of generational shifts and education in shaping food choices

Generational shifts and education are also expected to shape the future of plant-based food trends in Australia significantly. As younger generations become more informed about the environmental, ethical, and health implications of their food choices, likely, they will increasingly opt for plant-based diets. In addition, incorporating education about the benefits of plant-based diets in schools and public health campaigns could promote further the adoption of plant-based lifestyles among the broader population.

Moreover, the role of social media and influencers in promoting plant-based diets cannot be underestimated. As more celebrities and public figures advocate for plant-based lifestyles, their followers will likely be encouraged to explore and adopt these dietary choices.


In conclusion, Australia has a rich history of plant-based food trends, influenced by Indigenous traditions, diverse cultural backgrounds, and the evolution of vegetarianism and veganism. The current state of plant-based food trends in Australia is characterised by an increasing popularity of plant-based diets, a growing availability of plant-based food options, and a heightened awareness of the environmental and ethical concerns associated with meat consumption.

The future of plant-based food trends in Australia appears promising, with technological innovations, supportive government policies, and changing consumer preferences playing significant roles in shaping the nation’s food landscape. As alternative protein sources and advancements in plant-based food processing continue to develop, plant-based diets will likely become even more accessible and appealing to a broader range of consumers.

Research, development, and innovation must remain at the forefront of this movement to ensure the continued growth and success of the plant-based food industry. By embracing the potential of plant-based food trends, Australia can contribute to a more sustainable, healthy, and compassionate food system for future generations.