Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): Top 5 Benefits

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): Top 5 Benefits

5 Benefits of Branched Chain Amino Acids: How is BCAA Related to Workout, Muscle Growth and Fatigue?

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of 3 essential amino acids

Those 3 essential amino acids are:


They are named for their unique structure, which features a branch off the main chain of the molecule. BCAAs amino acids, like all amino acids, are building blocks your body uses to make proteins. They are essential because your body can not make them, and you must supplement your diet. BCAAs are especially important for athletes because they help to build muscle and prevent fatigue. Both proteins and BCAAs have numerous benefits for athletes, including helping to build muscle, repair tissues, improve performance and many more.

How BCAAs Work:

They comprise much of the human body’s total Amino Acid pool. They occupy up to 40% of all essential amino acids, and upto18% are in your muscle mass. Because they are not broken down in the liver but in the muscles themselves, they are assumed to play a vital role in energy production during exercises and high-intensity activities.

BCAAs help your body in several other roles. First, your body needs them as building blocks for proteins. They may also regulate your blood sugar by bypassing the liver and stimulating cells to absorb sugar directly from your bloodstream.

They also help reduce the production of serotonin in the brain, which is helpful if you feel fatigued during exercise. Leucine is highly responsible for the body’s capacity to build muscle proteins, whereas Valine and Isoleucine significantly influence energy production and blood sugar regulation.

Below are the top 5 Benefits of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs):

1. BCAA supplements can help build muscle mass

BCAAs are essential amino acids the body cannot produce independently. They must be obtained through diet or supplementation. They are broken down in the muscle and used for energy during exercise.

Athletes and bodybuilders often use BCAA supplements to help increase muscle mass and improve exercise performance.

They are made up of three amino acids that your body uses for energy, which is why they’re also known as “essential” amino acids. These three amino acids are leucine, isoleucine and valine.

BCAAs can be especially helpful before or after a workout when your body uses energy stores. They can also help you recover after a workout by helping your muscles rebuild and repair themselves.

These amino acids are essential for people who exercise regularly and undergo intense training.

2. BCAA supplements can help reduce fatigue

BCAAs have been shown to help the body produce more muscle protein and reduce fatigue during exercise. When consumed an hour before working out, 20g of Branched Chain Amino Acids in combination with 400 ml of water, 200 ml of strawberry juice, and 200mg of caffeine may increase your endurance. One study found that when participants were supplemented with BCAAs, they saw up to 15% less fatigue than those given a placebo. Another study found that taking a branched-chain amino acid supplement increased endurance by 17% compared to the placebo group.


3. BCAA supplements can help reduce muscle soreness and damage

BCAAs may help reduce muscle soreness, enabling you to bounce back faster after an intense workout by protecting you against muscle damage. People have reported a 33% reduction in muscle soreness when taking these supplements than people who exercised without taking them. People also reported they performed up to 20% better with BCAAs. It is important to remember that all these results highly depend on your age, gender and fitness standard. Results may fluctuate depending on these variables.

4. BCAA supplements enhance fat loss

These supplements are effective in enhancing fat loss. In one study, participants who took these supplements lost more fat than those who did not. Additionally, these supplements can help preserve muscle mass during periods of calorie restriction, making them ideal for those seeking to lose weight.

fat burning

BCAAs have many advantages, including enhancing fat loss and weight loss and preventing weight gain. It can also reduce food intake and increase metabolism.

Studies have shown that competitive athletes are more likely to train harder, recover quicker, and perform better at their highest capacity when consuming complete or near-complete proteins. Therefore, a high protein, calorie-restricted diet benefits weight management, encourage fat loss, and aids in increasing performance.

5. BCAAs May Reduce Complications in Liver Diseases

It is assumed that they may help minimize complications in liver diseases.

liver disease

One of the liver diseases called Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) causes confusion, loss of consciousness and even coma. BCAA supplements were more helpful in reducing the severity of Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) than other supplements.

BCAAs didn’t improve patients’ survival rates or lower the risk of other pre- and post-operative complications, such as infections and gastric bleeding.

Another study reported that supplements that included these supplements for the patients undergoing liver operation (surgery) enhanced liver function and reduced the risks of further complications – thus decreasing the patients’ hospital stay.

BCAA supplements are an effective and sustainable way to treat individuals who are suffering from liver disease, it seems.

In cases of liver cancer, supplementing with BCAAs may help prevent excessive water weight and reduce the risk of premature death.

Please consult your doctor if it is safe to start taking BCAA supplements in case of cancer.

Who can benefit from taking BCAA supplements?

Athletes: Athletes can benefit from taking BCAA supplements because they help to improve athletic performance. BCAA supplements help to increase muscle strength and endurance, and they also help to reduce fatigue.

Bodybuilders: Bodybuilders can benefit from taking BCAA supplements because they help to build muscle mass. BCAA supplements help to stimulate protein synthesis, which is necessary for muscle growth.


People with liver disease: People with liver disease can benefit from taking BCAA supplements because they help to protect the liver. BCAA supplements help to reduce the amount of fat that is stored in the liver, and they also help to prevent the buildup of toxins in the liver.

Foods High In BCAAs

It is not the case that these are difficult amino acids to find. They are easily available in many everyday common foods. Some foods are high in these amino acids, whereas some are low in them.

  • Eggs -2.7 grams of bccas in a large egg
  • Fish -5.9 grams of bccas in a 6-ounce serving of tuna
  • Chicken -1.4 grams of bccas per ounce of chicken breast
  • Beef -0.5 grams of bccas per ounce of beef
  • Pork -0.4 grams of bccas per ounce of pork

Here’s another list showing these essential proteins available in common foods:

bcaa in common foods

How to use BCAAs

The recommended dosage of BCAAs is 5-10 grams per day.

Timing: BCAAs can be taken before, during or after workouts. However, taking them before or during workouts may be more effective in helping improve performance and decrease muscle soreness.

How to take: BCAA supplements are typically mixed with water or juice in powder form. They can also be taken in capsule form.

How Often Should You Take BCAAs?

How often you take it depends on a few factors, including your goals, fitness level and training schedule. You may want to take them thrice weekly if you’re starting out. More experienced athletes may want to take them every day or even multiple times per day.

Dosage: The recommended dosage is 2-5 grams per day.

What are the side effects of taking BCAA supplements?

If you have any medical conditions, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or are taking any medications, please consult your doctor before taking BCAA supplements. It’s rare, but some people may experience the following symptoms:

1. Increased blood pressure

2. Headache

3. Nausea

4. Diarrhea

5. Fatigue

6. Cramping

FAQs: Branched Chain Amino Acids

What are the benefits of BCAAs?

  • BCAAs support muscle growth and repair.
  • They can improve exercise performance by reducing fatigue.
  • BCAAs help reduce muscle soreness and aid in recovery.
  • They can be used as an energy source during fasting or low-calorie diets.

Is it OK to take BCAA every day?

Yes, it is generally safe to take BCAAs every day. However, it is recommended to follow the recommended dosage the manufacturer provides or consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

When should you take BCAA?

The timing of BCAA supplementation can vary based on individual preferences and goals. Here are some common times to take BCAAs:

  • Before or during workouts to provide amino acids for muscles.
  • Between meals to support muscle protein synthesis and prevent muscle breakdown.
  • During fasting or low-calorie diets, to provide energy and preserve muscle mass.

Does BCAA help lose belly fat?

BCAAs alone do not directly target belly fat. However, they can be a part of a comprehensive weight loss or fat loss plan. BCAAs help maintain lean muscle mass while in a calorie deficit by supporting muscle growth and recovery. Preserving muscle mass is important for overall fat loss, including reducing belly fat. It’s important to note that creating an overall calorie deficit through proper nutrition and exercise is key to losing body fat.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice based on your specific needs and goals.

Can I get BCAA naturally?

BCAAs occur naturally in protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, and eggs. They also occur in plant-based foods such as soybeans, quinoa and lentils.

What does BCAA do?

They are three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

When taken as a supplement, they can help you build muscle, improve recovery after exercise and reduce fatigue.

In addition to these benefits, BCAAs can also help with weight loss by reducing cravings for unhealthy foods.

Is Taking BCAA Healthy?

Yes. they are safe to take and have no side effects if you don’t already have a medical condition. They can also help with weight loss by reducing your appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods.

Does BCAA cause kidney stones?

No. They are not linked to kidney stones.

bcaa kidney stone

Which plants have BCAA?

Quinoa, soybeans, lentils and several other plants have BCAA.

What are the benefits of branched-chain amino acids?

The benefits of branched-chain amino acids are that they can help improve athletic performance, help build muscle, and reduce fatigue. Additionally, they can help prevent muscle breakdown and support recovery from exercise.

What do BCAA actually do?

They are a type of amino acid that is essential for muscle growth and recovery. BCAA’s help to build and repair muscle tissue and they also help to reduce fatigue during exercise.

Can BCAA be plant-based?

BCAAs can be found in plant-based protein sources such as quinoa, soybeans, and lentils.

What is an alternative to BCAA?

Plant-based protein sources like soybeans, quinoa, and lentils can be a good alternative to BCAAs.


If you’re looking to improve your workout performance and recovery, consider supplementing with healthyroo’s bcaa natural, which has been formulated in the perfect ratio (bcaa 211).

BCAA’s can help promote muscle growth, prevent muscle breakdown, improve exercise performance, reduce fatigue during workouts, aid in weight loss, and increase energy levels.

So if you want to take your fitness to the next level, add BCAA’s to your supplement regimen!